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US Based Airline destination

Even wonder which airline fly from you local airport and which destination? the dashboard below can give you an idea for our US based...

Markham Mountain Bike Race results

These are the results from Mountain bike race that happens at our local park in Broward county back in August 2019. This is an...

Donald Trump Twitter Phrases

What's our president most popular phrase? As you may guess is "America Great". How you ever wonder what he used to tweet about before or...

Tableau DataViz Battle TSA Claims (August 2018)

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) In 2017 there was a total of 8,108 claims in US airports where Americans Airlines come out...

South Florida Property Value

Pulled data from from 2011 to 2016 with total properties sold and the sold price. Below you can see how the value and count as...

My Amazon Orders

Exported all my orders from between December 2008 and August 2018 and follow my online shopping trends. Most of my online...

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